About LRM..."Meet LadyLe"
Lisa "LadyLe" Ricardo
Owner, CEO
Lisa“ Ladyle” Ricardo is the CEO of Lisa Ricardo Ministries. A Survivor that is Thriving because she “Knows her Worth” that through each trial she’s endured.
What was meant to destroy her, was her stepping stone into her purpose. Basically the pain Pushed her and revealed Purpose. What was meant to hurt her actually helped her. Lisa’s favorite scripture is Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Lisa refused to allow the pain from her circumstances to harbor within and control her; detrimentally fostering a spirit of unworthiness and desires to help other women feel the same!
Lisa is a Certified Life (Confidence) Coach, Board Certified Christian Counselor, a Licensed & Ordained Minister for over 30 years. A very sought after Keynote Speaker for Marriage Enrichment Seminars & Single's Empowerment. Where her Mission is to Restore, Rebuild and Rekindle the Covenant of Marriage. Encouraging Couples to Submit, Serve and Satisfy one another by maintaining balance. In every relationship there may be times of Lack, when Needs are unmet and the Fantasy goes unfulfilled due to kids, jobs, ministry and daily activities. Encouraging them to be Willing to do the Work because “Divorce is Not an Option”.
But she also understands & ministers through transparency to those who are Called to be "Single". Singleness is a gift that allows you to serve Him without restrictions. Being single is not a sentence but a gift that God has graced you to walk in. So, don't be discouraged during this season of your life, but use this season to serve God and utilize your gifts for His glory. Be confident that you’ve been bought with a price to "Know Ur Worth." You are fearfully and wonderfully made, so why settle to be a dime when God has called you to be a Diamond. So, don’t be weary in your wait but Worship and Work. God has Not forgotten you.

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Lisa, is a Certified Life Coach, Board Certified Christian Counselor, and ordained minister is well known in the Texas/Louisiana region for Marriage Enrichment Seminars & Know Ur Worth Empowerment Sessions. To register and/or book an event please click here: